PowerTeacher Pro Initial Setup

Please read through the FULL document.

1. From the Staff drop-down on the website, select PowerTeacher

2. Login to PowerTeacher and then launch PowerTeacher Pro from the left Navigation column.

3.  Click on the create icon.  Select category.  Add categories of primary, secondary and supportive.

4. Select a class with grades from the top middle of the screen.

5.  Click the Settings tab in the blue bar and then select Traditional Grade Calculations.

6.  Open the class by clicking the arrow

  •       E1 is the final grade for half year courses.  It is not needed for full year courses.

7.  To setup your grades start by clicking on the actions pencil for Y2. Make sure to select TERM WEIGHTING in type.  Enter under Attributes S1, S2 and F1.  The four options are listed below.

1.) Full Year Course with exams given: S1 and S2 is 45%, F1 10%

2.) Full Year Course no exams given: S1 and S2 50%

3.) Semester course with exam: S1 90% E1 10%

* Repeat for the second half of course S2 90% F1 10%

4.) Semester course no exams: S1 100%

This tutorial is designed for a full year course with a final. If you have a full year course without midterms/finals, or a semester course, your percentages WILL BE DIFFERENT.  See below for the correct percentages.

The percentages must add up to be 100%.

Click the save button.

8.  Use the chart below to setup your S1 grades.

9. Below is an example of how to setup S1 for an Honors level full year course.  There is the optional 5% for supportive included in this example.  Notice CATEGORY WEIGHTING in the TYPE field.

The percentages must add up to be 100%.

10.   Repeat this process for S2.

11.  Click on the options pencil across from F1.

12. Once you have one class setup, you can copy the grade setup to only your classes that have the IDENTICAL grade setup.

You will have to setup classes that are graded differently individually.

Start here if you used PowerTeacher Pro last year.

13.  If you used PowerTeacher Pro last year, you can copy the grade setups easily to this year.  You can copy the grade setup to only your classes that have the IDENTICAL grade setup.  Make sure your term is the ENTIRE school year.

14.  IMPORTANT – PowerTeacher Pro handles entering in special codes (ABS, MIS, INC) differently than using the score inspector.

If you type in the codes, ABS, MIS, INC, PowerTeacher Pro assigns a zero to that student.

If you use what PowerTeacher Pro calls the score inspector (see below)

PowerTeacher Pro will understand this as a COMMENT to the student and will not calculate towards the student’s final grade.

In the table below, notice the first three grades have the code entered, MIS, ABS and INC.  A score of zero is assigned.  In comparison, the second three grades are entered only with a score inspector button pressed.  Notice there are no grades for the second set of three students.

15.   Please VERIFY your grades to make sure they are correct, by clicking on Y2, S1, S2, and F1.  You do not want to have a situation where you missed one!