PowerTeacher Submit Incident Summary

  1. From Current Classes screen, select Student Information.

  1. Select student from the left side. Choose select screens on the top right and select Submit Incident Entry.

  1. You can only submit referrals for students on your roster. The date and time defaults to the current day and time. You must change these to reflect the date and time of the incident. In the incident detail field, please include all factual details and the location of the incident.

  1. Here are the procedures if a staff member needs to refer a student not on their roster.
  • If you know the students name: email date, time and description of the incident, to respective grade level disciplinarian.
  • If you DO NOT know the students name: email date, time and description of the incident, to ANY grade level Vice Principal.

During lunch and learn an administrator will be in each common area and they will take care of the situation when notified by the staff at that location. That staff member will email that administrator a description of the incident.