Edpuzzle Co-Teacher Access

Currently at this time it is possible to have co-teachers to share and view results on Edpuzzle with classes using Google Classroom. If you are using Google Classroom, you'll need to follow these steps to set up your shared Edpuzzle class:

  1. Add your co-teacher to your Google Classroom. Google has directions on adding one or more teachers here: https://support.google.com/edu/classroom/answer/6190760?co=GENIE.Platform%3DDesktop&hl=en.
  2. Log in to Edpuzzle and go to the "My Classes" tab in the upper right-hand corner.
  3. Create a Google Classroom connected class in Edpuzzle by clicking the "Import from Google Classroom" button in the bottom left-hand corner and selecting the Google Classroom you share with your co-teacher. (If you already have a Google Classroom connected class in Edpuzzle, skip this and go to step 4.)
  4. Have your co-teacher sign into their Google Classroom-integrated Edpuzzle account and import the same course into their account.

Now each of you will now be able to assign lessons to your shared students, view and grade their answers, and add or remove students from the class as co-teachers!