Cleaning Up Your Home Folder

It is very important that you delete files in your home folder that are no longer needed. This will help the performance of the district network, ensure that all staff members have ample space for their files, and allow for reliable backups. It is absolutely fine to keep files that are for educational use from year to year, however, if there are files that are no longer needed (especially very large files, such as movie files) please delete them. Please be mindful of the space you are using throughout the year.

Locate file(s) and folder(s) to delete:

*Content in iTunes or iPhoto can be deleted from right within the relevant application. Just make sure to empty the trash  withiniPhoto to absolutely delete these files.

1. Click on the  Finder icon in the left side of the Dock

2. Search through each of the main areas of your home folder ( Desktop, Documents, Pictures, Movies, Music, Downloads). Also check the root level of your home folder by clicking on the small house icon in the Finder sidebar.

*Files that are listed in bytes or kilobytes are much less of an issue. Files that are many megabytes or even gigabytes in size are much more of a concern.

In the standard  Finder list view, you should be able to see the size of a file or folder directly in the Finder window. You can also organize files by date by clicking on the “Date Modified” heading in a Finder window.

You can also check the size of a file or folder by selecting it and pressing ( command + i) to Get Info. Alternatively, select the file or folder and choose Get Info from the File menu.

3. Drag the file or folder to be deleted into the trash can in your  Dock. You can select individual file(s) or folder(s) by holding down the command key while clicking on each item.

You can select a group of file(s) or folder(s) by selecting the first file you would like to delete, and then holding down the  shiftkey while clicking on the last file.

4.  IMPORTANT Under the  Finder menu choose Empty Trash. Alternatively, control + click on the trash can in the Dock and choose Empty Trash